When “Hell Freezes Over”


Our first “large” Napoleonic game with hundreds of stands, infantry, artillery, and cavalry!

While talking to my longtime gaming buddy Stevie G the topic of 15mm Napoleonic’s was being bantered about when he waxed poetic about the great Napoleonic games we used to play with large groups of friends and acquaintances in years gone by, how he missed those games since most of the games now are largely just us two.  Now we have great games, but over and over with the same two general’s gets old. Steve said he wished the “Dogs of War” played Napoleonic’s, I almost choked at the thought and said “keep dreaming that will be a Cold day in Hell” when they take up Napoleonic’s much less Napoleonic’s in 15mm!! I had heard several members even boast about the fact they had gotten rid of anything in 15mm! The last time I ever even heard of a Dogs of War member playing a Napoleonic game was back when we were at the clubhouse in Burbank and Steve V was among us….

You got to love the look!, masses of colorful Napoleonic troops on the field!

A turn later the cannons roar as steel prepares to clash with steel!

Russians in their long brown coats trade blows with Austrians.

Well last month “Hell Froze Over” as not only are we playing games of 15 mm Napoleonic’s at the “Dog’s” we have been doing it almost regularly and members have started to buy the rules (Age of Eagles) and assemble troops! We have done several introductory, learning games, to get player interested and acquainted with the rules. The pictures I took are not that great as I was tired after working in the yard all morning but it shows the first BIG learning game, we played with five commanders (3 Austrian / 2 Russian). Yes it was a “hypothetical” game pitting forces (Russian and Austrian) that historically never fought each other, but this allowed players to get some of their own figs in the battle.

The action gets close and furious, a great game, with a fair amount of maneuvering and back and forth. One wonders what words may have passed between these two generals of division….

Just out of frame there was a large cavalry battle that see sawed for a few rounds until the Austrian Cav got the upper hand and drove the Russian Hussars and Dragoons off the field as well as capturing the Russian heavy artillery battery. The Austrians here in the center are slowly weakening the Russians infantry while driving them back as well!

No real report other than to say the Russians (Bill and Frank) got basically swept off the field by the Austrians (Chris A, Steve G, and Galen Y). The great thing about the battle was that Bill and Frank were the most experienced players while Chris and Galen have just stated playing and beat the more experienced guys! Shows how easy the rules are to pick up and how much players have already learned. For the most part the new players had the rules down well enough to run their sections with out help.

Right flank commander Frank V push his forces up in support but confusion in orders hampered his efforts against Galen who brushed him aside with cavalry while sending his infantry to help support Chris and Steve’s main attack on the Russian center. Frank has re-based and re-flagged Danny’s old Russians. “Looking good”


Austrian commanders Steve and Galen, “Gee Steve after getting your wish for a big Napoleonic game at the Dog’s you might look a bit happier!” Steve did smile a bit later, in fact he shouted with gusto when firing his artillery battery at a crucial point he rolled a 10! Yes believe it or not!

There seems to be quite a lot of enthusiasm for 15mm Napy’s at the moment and I hope this is the start of 15mm Napoleonic’s on a regular basis down at the Dogs!  Terry stone was observed wandering around the table muttering to himself about some bug that was biting him?

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