I have noticed that it seems “The Miniatures Page” has been re-posting past post? I guess its just to create more content during this “pandemic” for people and it nice to re-visit some of these subjects again or perhaps we missed them the first time. I’m doing a bit of the same thing here, sorting more pictures from the past.
I went to the miniatures page this morning to check on some sale items in the marketplace section and saw a re-post of an old post from Chick Lewis on his Tramp Steamer made by Richard Huston. Remembering that Chick had run a game called “Adventure on the Venture” at one of our HMGS/PSW cons years ago I thought I would dig up some photos if I could to post on the TMP page. Well that led to me just thinking about organizing another group of past pictures for my site at the same time so here it is, another trip down memory lane! HMGS/PSW Spring Campaign 2010, enjoy.
Once the cornerstone of the Historical Miniatures Gaming Society / Pacific Southwest chapters convention scene. Sadly it was let go as a venue some time ago, we had a killer deal and the Boy scout organization was very easy to deal with.

This was a late Friday game held after we set up tables and vendors loaded in for Saturday and Sundays convention. The mat was painted by Bill Witthans (me) and donated to HMGS/PSW. I also made the clouds and the German Balloons. George Paler on the right studies his next move!
This was a late Friday game held after we set up tables and vendors loaded in for Saturday and Sundays convention.
The volunteers played a quick game of Wings of War. This was a HMGS/PSW sponsored game we used to expose new players to miniature gaming. It was especially popular with younger gamer’s and family’s.
Game Master Doug Kendrick runs a smaller version of the “Boxer Rebellion – Siege of the Legations” games that he and I had been running at several other conventions.

Doug in the Mandarin outfit oversees the game in his usual masterful way. Doug has a great demeanor when running games, always fun is number one!
The ever popular “Check You Six” game, another of the air combat games run almost continuously at the con. Steve Reed, George Paler, and even Gary Archer have at it in the sky’s over Europe in a 8th air-force bomber raid!
These games were always popular as players could come and go during the course of the game.
George and Gary are some of the first people I gamed with when first getting into Historical gaming. We dominated the old Last Grenadier in both Reseda and Burbank every Saturday! We built both sand-tables used there! Mico Armor WWII was the order of the day back then.

Convention “Big Dogs” the Dogs of War group put on another beautiful mega game involving the Viking invasion and attack on I believe a Saxon Castle? Chris Snell makes a point with Tim Daun (red shirt) while at the tables end the dogs Chris Vivo, Joe Naccio, Galen Yee, and Terry Stone look on.

Past HMGS/PSW president and lifelong “Dog of War” member Tim Daun and his lovely wife Jenifer (Sarge)

The “Dogs” convention games are always big draws at the conventions! The play, the miniatures, the visuals, always made their games best game winners!

The shear logistics of a game put on by the “Dogs” was always amazing! they prepped for months for these games and it showed!
Chick Lewis a member of another northern LA area gaming group the “Bengal Club” brought and ran a very cool game “Adventure on the Venture”. It was a pulp fiction adventure style game taking place entirely on Chick’s lovely 28mm tramp steamer. The steamer was custom made to Chicks specks by the late great modeler Richard Houston. The game was a bit different in style and look compared to most HMGS convention games but did manage to eke out a win for best of show that convention.

Chicks figures, game mastering, and this fine model sailed the “Venture” into the winners circle this time. The detail on the steamer is top rate for a gaming piece! Chick also used an innovative system to deal with movement and fighting on the lower decks using simple print outs of those deck for figure to be placed on.

Chick receives his award from HMGS VP Harmon Ward. Me the President was also the head photographer for the con.
- The cool paper deck layouts made it easier to play and visualize the below deck movement and combat.
- Commadore Chick and Captain Jerry!
Other shots from the convention.