I have led Napoleon’s divisions in the snows of Russia, fought on the beaches of Normandy, and commanded Starships on the far side of the Quintaree Rift…. Wargaming the garden of your imagination!
Just a little heads up here to say thanks for all the great feedback and visits to the site and to help you guys navigate there is a little something many people miss. When you select from the top bar menu here most have a drop down menu that opens. Remember that ALL the tabs are clickable and lead to pages with content IE; if you click “Painted Pile” clicking that link as well as the drop down links will take you to a content page. Many people miss items because they just click the last link bypassing the first one. Also don’t forget that this is the 21st Century and you can easily keep abreast of new post, comments, and updates to the site by simply subscribing via RSS fee (really simple syndication) at the lower right bottom.
Hi All!
Well after a lot of putting it off and clinging to my old style website built with the now ancient “FrontPage” by Microsoft I have decided to go more interactive with a updated “WordPress” blog type page. I think this will be even better as it will allow more interaction between me and the visitors, providing a 2 way flow of information in the miniatures community. It’s a melancholy (younger viewers can look it up) move that causes me to shed a tear or two for the “old” days before everyone and including the “paperboy” had one…oh wait we don’t have “paperboys” anymore either. I remember when the internet started and then became a spot where tech savvy geeks (many wargamers!) started to put up pages devoted to their hobbies, no pictures, just green phosphor screen army list. I remember the first few sites I found that had “wargaming” pictures on them! long gone “Ed’s Hobby Hovel” page, “Major Tremordons” colonial page, and perhaps several dozen others (mine included). It was the dawn of a whole new era! Wargaming had for years been in the closet as far as hobbies were concerned, D&D had brought it out a bit but you still had to look to find or play it. The internet changed all that! The current range of rules and figures we enjoy is a direct result of the internet and its “shrinking” of the world! Its a great thing on one hand but it has come at a price…..It has lead to the death of the “Brick and Mortar” stores, and the resulting loss of “public” playing areas where many of us first met the people we game with today. It has also hurt conventions to a point, since one of the big draws for folks going was to see and buy the “new” stuff only available there.
During the recent 3 years of being President of the “Historical Miniatures Gaming Society’s” Pacific Southwest chapter and Building their website using WordPress www.HMGSPSW.org I got a fair amount of experience with WordPress that gave me the feeling that it was time to update my own site. I hope to transfer all past pages, articles, and pictures here in a better organized format. As I’m not an expert “blogger” and a bit unsure as how to structure a blog properly I figure to just post new content here as a post, then latter on put some of the post onto their own pages under the other headings. Please re-browse old page content as things will often be updated or added. This new format should allow me to get new content up faster and make maintaining a web-presence easier, with out taking a lot of time better spent on building and painting. So sit back, hang on, and will see where this goes!
Bill Witthans 2013
Nice job dude!
Looks great. I check in a couple times a week.
Not to many post as I have been busy with work, house, and gearing up for the Lead Adventure Forum’s LPL (lead painters league) painting challenge. It’s 5 miniatures (new) per week for 10 weeks, and you compete with some really great painters from all over the world. Also working on my next SAGA warband.
Beautiful job, and blog…looks great!
Great job guys = some superb content !!
Triple Crown
World of Tanks