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We are all in this together!

Most of us in the miniatures world love to see others work and games, its what inspires us with our own efforts and exposes us to different ways of doing things. We surf the internet devouring the efforts of other hobbyist and gamers who take the time to build websites and post articles and pictures for our enjoyment. We need to take a moment and leave a comment on these sites we visit, it’s a way of saying “thank you, I found value in your efforts” it gives the site owner feedback to say that others are not only looking at but appreciate what they are doing. The result will be more and better articles for you the “surfer”!

Another thing you might think about doing is becoming a “User” or “Subscriber” to sites you like. By doing that you will receive a email notice when the site gets new content or updates. We all love this hobby and we all need to take just a minute to give some recognition to those who go the extra mile to provide even more enjoyment to us in those moments we aren’t playing or painting but just “getting our fix” by surfing the internet and “dreaming”

Bill W

PS; You can subscribe to this site by looking in the column on the bottom right and clicking on subscribe! Please put your real name in there so we can tell you from spammers that are routinely DELETED! Comments can be left by clicking on the “greyed speech” bubble at the top right of every post or at the bottom of every post. Remember a little encouragement goes a long way!

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