I take the plunge!


Hi All!

Well after a lot of putting it off and clinging to my old style website built with the now ancient “FrontPage” by Microsoft I have decided to go more interactive with a updated “WordPress” blog type page. I think this will be even better as it will allow more interaction between me and the visitors, providing a 2 way flow of information in the miniatures community.

During the last 3 year of being President of the “Historical Miniatures Gaming Society’s” Pacific Southwest chapter and Building their website using WordPress www.HMGSPSW.org I got a fair amount of experience with WordPress that gave me the feeling that it was time to update my own site. I hope to transfer all past pages, articles, and pictures here in a better organized format. This new format should allow me to get new content up faster and make maintaining a web-presence easier, with out taking a lot of time better spent on building and painting. So sit back, hang on, and will see where this goes!


Bill Witthans 2013