The Oaks
One of the things I have always like about gripping and film work is everything revolves around the "Camera" nothing is more important than it! The images it records are the very reason for a production to exist. What would your million dollar Actor be with out that camera to record the image? nothing but another flunky in a motor home.... We as Grips are the main force in moving that "eye of the hurricane" around. Whether its on a dolly, crane, insert car, strapped to the front of a speeding train or in this case up a tree! There is no end to the ingenuity used to get that camera pointed where the DP or director wants it.
Not to many pics here as I was busy and did not have my regular camera with me, just an Iphone....
Our DP on this one was new to me, Peter Levy, from Australia. What a pleasant surprise! Not only did he do great work, he made the trip most enjoyable. It makes a big difference on a shoot when you have a leader, who can lead with out screaming and throwing little fits so common now days.
Scott (A camera op) Fuller? have to check my call sheet when I find it! sorry Scott! I also enjoyed working with Scott as an Operator on 2 projects.
Below John Lovelace (Chapman crane Driver) John is a Great guy and I have worked with him on cranes for over 20 years, TV, Features, commercials! John is real people! and apparently very frightened at whatever we were shooting....