Saturday battles for 06/2/01
RUSSIAN ONSLAUGHT! I ran this as a pickup game based loosely on the constant
German problem of supply lines stretched too far. It was fought at the
"Club" between myself (Bill Witthans), Dave Dandridge, as Russians
and Joe Nacchio,
Steve Gausche as the Germans.
The Germans were on the defensive with their objective too defend the vital supply road against the threat of it being cut by nearby Russian forces. Both side were fairly weak with the Russians just barely able to scrape together some older 2nd rate tanks (3 T-26 and 2 BT-7) with a three T-34s and a couple of Heavy KV-1s. There were also five squads of tank riding infantry of dubious quality. Definitely not a force to take to the frontlines but its what the Commissar said we had to use so we use it!
Germans were no better off with a strong
point consisting of dug in PAK 40 (75mm just in from
the fatherland) and PAK 38 (50mm) anti tank guns. These were supported by 2
squads of infantry, a MG 42, two 80mm mortars, and a Stag III with the
short 75mm gun. The Germans were dug in with the MG 42 concealed in a bunker
covering the approach to the Pak 40. Their was also a small reserve of armor to
the rear in case of emergencies but it would have to be called for (requiring a
radio contact roll, and variable entry time). the German infantry was equipped
with a few "Teller" mines and grenade bundles.
The Russian commander knew that
his only chance was to go as hard and fast as possible with everything at once, hoping to
overwhelm the defenders with more targets than they had guns for. This
poorly scrawled map was found crumpled on the battlefield by
"Wermacht" reinforcements later the following day. The Germans were
amazed at the extent of Russian intelligence gathering, but also realized that
they were not very good at drawing!
It went well for the Russians at first with the PAK 38 jamming itself. Probably the frayed nerves of the gunners when the saw the speed of the Russians onslaught. In two turns the first Russian tanks were already at the first trench works. The Russian Commander sent a second attack against the other flank with the KV1s and T26's carrying 2 squads. The PAK 40 started to bark and several T-26's turned into barbeques! Russian morale held and they kept on moving.
the right flank the BT-7s and T34s hit the trench works and attempted to overrun the defenders in
the trenches, the Germans close assaulted with the mines and grenades as the
tanks rolled over resulting in one BT
and one T34 coming to grief . One BT made it through crushing one defenders foot
and headed for the PAK 40. However the poor visibility in the BT-7 caused
the commander to stop and look out to get his baring and that allowed the PAK40
o finish him! The other T34s dropped their infantry practically
on top of the defenders of the trench and after a brief fire fight the Russians
now controlled the first trench killing or capturing the German squad. The PAK
38 eight was also knocked out during this assault. The slightly off timing
in the Russian attack caused by their lack of radios and poor command structure
was becoming apparent as burning tanks were becoming a common sight.
On the other flank the Russian
armor entered a small patch of woods and dropped its infantry off.
The KV1s ground on towards a small clearing. From the side of a small wooded hill opposite this clearing the STUG III opened up on the first KV1. The KV1's armor was impervious to the Germans short 75, only a "track" hit would have any affect at all! Well "watch me pull a rabbit out of a hat Joe did it! the KV1 however passed its morale and soon the German Stug III was smoking. German infantry on this hill also opened up on the Russian infantry causing enough harm as to bring this side of the attack to a halt.
With his feet on the road he
wanted so badly to secure the Russian commissar waved his pistol and urged the infantry in the
trench on in an assault against the PAK 40 but the appearance of two PZKW IIIs
and the fact that all the Russian Armor was knocked out or immobilized caused
the Russian troops to halt and take up defensive positions in the trench.
With the Russians to weak to keep the gains they had won at such a cost and German mortars beginning to find the Russians range the battle ended. It was a German minor victory since they had lost a whole squad and AT gun that would be sorely missed in the days ahead. The day closed with everyone having a great time and both side fighting a great fight. It was a near thing and that is always fun. The battle was fought with the FRONTLINE rule set.