The battle of "Three Crossings" Pennsylvania, Page 2
The CSA horse artillery fires on union lines across the river.
After several turns of cannon fire in the early morning mist the Union battery got the range of the rebel horse battery destroying a section. The Union infantry also added the weight of their fire in an attempt to keep the Confederate Cavalry from attempting a crossing. The other Reb battery withdrew out of site for the moment.
A rare "color" photograph taken with an experimental camera!
Photographer: UNKNOWN
At this point Longstreet's division was beginning to deploy off the road and skirmishers moved towards the river line all across the battle line. Having a bridge in front of him and the ford on his left Longstreet sent the Louisiana Brigade under General Nichols around through the light woods on his right. With them he sent the pontoon bridge. There were ample woods there to screen bridging work from union fire from the town.
The "Stonewall" Brigade under General Stewart advance for an assault over the bridge into the teeth of the union defenses while on the right the Louisianan's take up defensive positions to give covering fire to the bridge building operations.
As the battle was unfolding one of Longstreets lieutenants rode up to him and said "Sir, I beg to report that General Lee has arrived with some of his staff and are setting up an observation platform in that field over yonder!" Longstreet grunted and thanked the Lieutenant for his information. He leaned over in the saddle and looked at the field to his north, sure enough there was that old grey fox Lee! "I love that man, but I sorely wish I would have had another couple of hours at these yanks without any suggestions"
rode over to the now completed platform and saluted. " I beg to report for
orders sir" he said to General Lee. "Orders?" replied Lee "
Sir I have only capable commanders under my command, capable of knowing what
must be done without me having to guide them" I am here only to observe
your more than capable handling of
this engagement" Lee then said softly "but I am respectful of your
offer" "Please return to your duties and pay us no mind" Lee
returned to his gazing through his field glasses and Longstreet trotted off back
to the lines chuckling to himself.
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