The rear area of the gondolas platform is where Corporal Gunter stands watch. Gist of the left of his head you can see what looks like a lever with a ball on the end of it, it is in fact one of the brass rods that slide in to a receiver. When this brass pin is pulled along with the second pin opposite it will allow the gondola to drop down for access to the platform. You can also see the recently added deck leads and ropes around the edge of this platform.
Just behind Corporal Gunter is the area that contains the flying bucket and winch apparatus. I am going to install some type of bombing apparatus in this area at a later date. I lots of ideas that I just had to put on the back burner so that I could get the ship up into the air and in-service, much like a real project. Hopefully I will get to them sometime in the near future.
The next picture shows the forward observation / weapons platform currently manned by Corporal Proast under the direction of Captain Heinrich von Schnell's eagle eye. The insignia on the front of the gun platform is an actual naval jack from the German Colonial. This was one of the decals produced by me. These may be soon available for sale on my commercial web site (shameless plug). Directly behind on the main platform you can see the main wheel for the ship. This wheel controls the rudder with its left or right movement by pulling out are pushing end the elevators can be controlled. The elevator can also be controlled by one of the levers at the control station on his right. The elevator control lever would be set for a slow climb or a slow descent.
The ship's pilot has a great view from this position and can easily receive orders from the Captain or lookout on the observation platform. The figures I believe are from Brigade games and are very nice although very large 28mm. The Gattling gun comes with them
The next picture shows airships rear area with one of the large powerful
electric motors used to turn props and move the ship. You can also see the huge
copper cables coming out of their insulators and going into the motors. The twin
stacks for the exhaust of the internal steam boilers are also visible.
Since the rules and Gaslight provide that a ships engines may be running are not
I wanted to be able to remove the smoke coming out of
the stacks whenever I needed to. This would represent a failed to sustain
role. The last picture was taken at the HMGS convention, Fall Inn where I ran a
Gaslight game. unfortunately I only had time during the game to take one decent
picture so hopefully Phil Vivreito got some more and better pictures and will
post them to the Gaslight Yahoo group's page. The picture shows a later stage of
the game where the airship has just dropped a group of Luft Marines on some Arab
slavers trying to defend one of the games objective areas.
guys in the picture are part of our "Dogs of War" game club and HMGS Pacific
Southwest members, Chris Schnell, Tim Daun, Chris V., and David Dandridge.