For a long time I have
wanted to give my Arab slavers a little more punch and flair as bad guys.
The problem was none of the vehicles or other fantastic contraptions I
was coming up with really fit them. In
most of the games we gave them “captured” vehicles and heavy weapons of
other colonial powers.
I always felt that this was sort of lame and that being the proud Arabs they were they would disdain using Western equipment if possible.
Allah has smiled upon them in the form of P.E. Rajasthan recently returned to
his tribe after being educated in England for many years.
Messer PE Rajasthan is the son of one of the powerful clan leaders under
their supreme leader Omar the Magnificent (formally known as Omar the tent
maker). In fact his
father is Mustafa the carpet weaver. Punji
Rajasthan was immediately put in charge of Omar's armory and charged with
developing great and powerful weapons to counter the colonial dog armies.
Punji a firm believer in the slavers cause worked hard at his task.
Despite his hard work he found himself severely hampered by the
lack of modern machinery and raw materials to construct such weapons.
He kept at it and with ingenuity overcame many of his problems to come up with some
fantastic machines.
On this page we find
pictures of one of his first great efforts, the Arab Land Dhow or Sand ship as
the British called it.
The picture at left shows the Arab "ironwood" panels used by Punji because of weight and the inability of Arab forges to make large light sheets of armor for the vehicle. The ironwood panels were installed by Punjis father Mustafa who covered the with beautiful carpet from his shop. There are more than a few tales of cannon balls literally bouncing off the side of one of these Sand Ships much in the manner or the American ship Constitution "Old Ironsides". Ironwood was not only tough but had a certain amount of flex that helped absorb the cannon balls energy.
The brass dragons head holds
the protruding iron cannon manned by two crewmen inside the Dhow. There are
ports in the Ironwood panels to allow the crew inside to fire small arms out
them. The commanders cupola has a large brass gauge required by all Victorian Science
fiction vehicles and to allow Punji to keep an eye on his Steam power. The hatch
cover was modified to open via a extendable hydraulic tube that gives an
appearance of an umbrella, very middle eastern looking. The smoke stack was
extended and another "big brass gauge" added back there too. Punji is
mounted on a brass rod as to be removable and the hatch can be closed. I added removable smoke for the cannon and the engine for looks and game mechanics and
also a removable "Arab" style flag.
project was not really planned like most of my stuff but sort let to evolve as I
went. I was cleaning of my work table and saw the parts of this Warhammer
vehicle sitting there, I had bought it at the flea market on one of my pilgrimages
to Historicon. It only took two years to figure out what I wanted to do to it,
and even then I was not sure until I put the last stroke of paint on it. I am
very happy with the results and it shows that some times you just have to let
yourself go and see what comes out!
Just for grins here is a picture of the vehicle as I bought it.
I can't wait to take it into battle!