Some of my projects are done at a whirlwind pace others may take YEAR'S! I have put some of them up here in ascending order the further down the page the longer I have been working on it. The top project is the one I am actively pursuing. Once finished they will go into their respective area.


Well I have some time for painting and building since work is slow and I'm not playing that dammed "Warcrack" I have gotten into looking at, those tons of lead and other things purchased with great intention of quickly finishing but now buried in boxes on a self! I was surprised at the amount 20mm WWII buildings I had. I have always had a weakness for great looking resin structures. I tend to scoop them up even knowing I may not paint them just because many times they are a limited run and will only be available for so long....

I found I had at least 6 of the wonderful "Queens Hussar" or now "Shell Hole Scenic" buildings and as I have been doing WWII gaming again I decided to start having a go at these.

"QHS" short for the above, are really nice and only require a bit of clean up and washing to prep for paint. Of course I always add or redo different parts to more personalize my stuff. I have also found that these large and complex buildings tend to suffer damage in transit to the US. Most of mine came through Brookhurst hobbies in California and all had some damage to them, some being broke clean in half. Repairing them is usually not that difficult.

Buildings look like this when I receive them. They must be washed, flash removed, detailed, modified, and primed. I do quite a bit of modifying on most buildings, adding details like pipes, window frames, also things to make them work better for figure placement and wargaming.


This is a "HOVEL" building that comes with no! I will build one for it before finish painting. This has my Black primer on as well as a "recognition" coat of white.





I still have some more "dressing" to do especially inside but here it is for now!




This is one of my all time favorite buildings. It is quite large and makes a great focus point for game or a eye candy rear are headquarters area.




No matter how well buildings are painted and detailed the don not really come to life until you put the every day items that show people live or work in them! Diligent searching or clever use of "sculpy" can really set your buildings up above the rest! This set is from CP models or Lamercraft.







Pinkerton Posse

for Legends of the Old West

Well The Pinkertons are done! and they were a joy to paint! Fine figures make for fine paint jobs! ok got to get the pics up! Took them down to the Bengal club for a few games using "The rules with no name" and the first two games they got shot to #$%$ but the third game my one character managed to get into and rob the bank, avoid getting killed with his partner during shootout, then busted through the crowd made it two the end of town and before exiting the board fired a shot hitting the dumbfounded Marshall right between the eyes killing him on the spot before skidaddling with the money!


I have always loved the "Old West", Films, books, art, and the rich history. I live in California an area rich in the old west, with in a short drive are 100's of areas that saw Indian battles, gunfights, railroads, and gold fever. This and the recent production of some fine figures by Artizan, Foundry, Old Glory, and many others started me buying figures ( to ad to the 1,392 pounds of unpainted lead I already have) and purchasing "The legends of the Old West" rules. I have bought many of the Warhammer rule sets, not so much to play the games but for the fine photography, painting, and scratch building to be found in them. Well after perusing the pictures for the 12th time I finally decided to give the rules a try with my group. To do this I would need a posse! I choose the new "pinkerton detective" figures for mine. There are 6 figures and they are quite well done requiring very little prep and cleaning!